The Comfort of Skill at Arms
Do You Have It? Do You Want It?
You might think that Front Sight offers self-defense and firearms training. What we really offer — and the reason why thousands of private citizens, law enforcement officers, and military personnel travel across the country to train with us — is the Comfort of Skills at Arms.
What I mean by that is we offer you the peace of mind, the comfort, of knowing that after spending a weekend with us that you leave with the skills and ability to protect yourself and your loved ones no matter what happens.
But I would never ask you to simply take my word on it. Here is a well-known Hollywood celebrity to tell you what the Comfort of Skill at Arms and Front Sight mean to him after his Front Sight Experience.
Hierarchy of Comfort. How Comfortable do You Want to Be?
There is a Hierarchy of Comfort based on your ability and weapon selection.
For example, completing an Empty Hand Defense Course at Front Sight will give you the comfort of knowing you have the ability to break contact with an average size adversary attempting to injure or kill you with his bare hands.
Would you feel comfortable with your skills if your adversary were 6 feet 5 inches tall, weighed 280 pounds, and was in great physical condition? Would you feel comfortable if there were multiple adversaries? Would you feel comfortable if your spouse or children were also being attacked? Without a weapon and the skill to use it effectively under the stress of a lethal encounter, your answer is likely no.
Well, if we put a knife in your hand and teach you how to use it to defend yourself in Front Sight’s Edged Weapons Course, you begin to feel a bit more comfortable in dealing with a large single adversary, or maybe even multiple, unarmed adversaries, but that is where your comfort ends if your attacker is armed with a gun!
So in all practical reality, your Comfort of Skill at Arms really starts with your ability to handle a defensive handgun! The good news is that after a Four Day Defensive Handgun Course at Front Sight you will have the mindset, gun handling, and marksmanship to handle multiple, armed adversaries at conversational distances. If needed, you will be able to present your handgun from a concealed holster and deliver your first shot to the center of your target 5 meters away within 1.5 seconds! Such skill gives you great comfort because you know you have the ability within seconds to defend yourself and your loved ones.
A shotgun in your trained hands will provide you with even greater comfort — especially in low light conditions — and will generally extend your ability to control your environment against hostilities out to about 35 yards. The 12 gauge shotgun, when using buckshot has much greater stopping power than the handgun, and the pattern assists (not as much as the average person thinks …) in making much faster hits on your target. After a Two Day Shotgun Course at Front Sight, you will gain the certainty to operate a shotgun with authority!
A rifle, in calibers of .223 or greater in the hands of a practical rifleman, is a tool that gives you the ability to control your environment out to distances that you can see with your naked eye. A practical rifleman is one who can score first-round center hits, on targets appropriate to his weapon, at unknown distances, from improvised field positions, against the clock. After completing a Four Day Practical Rifle Course at Front Sight, you will be a practical rifleman!
A precision rifle with a high-power optical sight gives you the comfort of knowing you command the terrain out to distances well beyond what the unassisted human eye can see. A Precision Rifle Course at Front Sight will make first-round center hits at 600 yards so common as to bore you. Depending on the caliber and inherent consistency of your rifle and ammunition selection, you can control your environment from 1,200 to 2,400 yards away!
So the question really is, How comfortable do you really want to be?
Whatever your answer, Front Sight can provide you with the Comfort of Skill at Arms you desire. I am sure of it. In fact, Front Sight will more than satisfy your expectations or I will pay for your training. You have my personal guarantee.
Watch for Message #2 from me in a couple of days where I will give you a little-known and Rarely Talked About (outside of a Front Sight course) Secret Training Tip that will make your precision handgun shots much more accurate.
Feel free to share this report with your family and friends. If your family and friends would like to receive their own reports, our brochure, and 90-minute award-winning DVD then please direct them to: Front Sight
I look forward to seeing you at Front Sight!
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Front Sight Founder and Director
Four-Weapons Combat Master
Your host of Front Sight Challenge Reality TV Series
P.S. If you would like to read how a drive-by shooting started me on the path of becoming the second man in the world to become a Four Weapons Combat Master and creator of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, click: Four Weapons Combat Master.
P.P.S. If you did not click at the top of the page to see a well-known Hollywood celebrity tell you what the Comfort of Skill at Arms and Front Sight means to him after his Front Sight Experience … then click now on: Hollywood Celebrity
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