Little-known (and rarely talked about) Firearms Training Secret
Before I share a little-known and rarely talked about firearms training secret, I need to make sure you have some quick background information and know that at the end of this e-mail I have arranged for the Director of Security of one of the biggest hotels in the world to tell you about what happened after he attended a course at Front Sight.
Here is the quick background information:
If you have ever had any formal defensive firearms training from a top-notch instructor, you probably heard them say, Focus on the front sight!
The drill is to first line up the target; the top of the front sight; and the top of the rear sight followed by bringing your focus sharply on the front sight. Once you have established a sharp focus on the front sight, you continue a smooth press of the trigger straight to the rear without disrupting the sight alignment until the weapon fires.
This is so important I named our training institute Front Sight and created our logo after the sight picture!
(There are a few in the training industry who recommend point shooting
but we will dispel that myth in another e-mail.)
But where on the Front Sight should you focus? The Top Edge is the answer.
So with that background information under your belt, allow me to share a little-known and rarely talked about (outside of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute courses) firearms training secret that will greatly improve your ability to deliver precision hits with your handgun …
If you have a white dot or any kind of color or shape on the front sight of your handgun, I recommend you Black It Out! I know I just lost any hope of an endorsement contract from the white dot sight manufacturers, but my concern is that you are able to make the precision shot, When You Need It, every time, with your handgun. (More on the tactical importance of this recommendation toward the end of this letter.)
The key to a precision shot with your handgun is 100% of your focus on the top edge of the front sight. If you have a white dot on your front sight, take a look at where the white dot is placed on your front sight … normally it is placed in the middle of the sight, and there is quite a bit of sight between the top of the white dot and the top edge of the front sight!
Your eye will naturally focus on the white dot, instead of the top edge of the front sight. You will mistakenly line up the top of the white dot with the top of your rear sight. Guess what happens when you press the trigger? Your Shot Will Hit High because the top edge of your front sight is actually lined up above the top edge of the rear sight.
99.9% of the people training with handguns will never know this secret because at conversational distances, when shooting to the center of mass of an average size target, the minor difference between the top of the white dot and the top edge of the front sight is inconsequential.
So Why Is This Important? It is important if you want the ability to hit man-sized targets with your handgun out to 200 yards! (Remember the Comfort of Skill at Arms from my first e-mail to you yesterday?) Yes, we teach our students to do this on demand.
It is important — and could mean the difference between life and death — if you want the ability to deliver a hostage-taker headshot, from the holster, ten yards away with a first-round hit into the cranio-ocular cavity (about the size of a business card) in less than 2 seconds! I know that sounds near impossible, but our students reach that level of ability quickly through our Handgun Combat Master Prep Courses.
Even in our entry-level, Four Day Defensive Handgun Course students are trained to deliver first-round hits to a playing-card-sized target, from the holster, five yards away in less than two seconds! After a Front Sight course, you will too!
What about the white ring on night sights? I recommend night sights because most lethal encounters occur in low-light conditions. If your night sights have a white ring around the crystal that holds the tritium (the substance that glows in the sight) simply use a black felt pen to black out the white circle then immediately wipe off the crystal. Now you have the best of both worlds — a night sight for low light conditions and a blacked-out sight for precision shots during the day!
I hope you have enjoyed learning this little-known and rarely talked about firearms training secret. We have hundreds of these secrets
that we will share with you when you attend courses with us at Front Sight. But again, don’t take my word for it. To watch the impact Front Sight training had on the Director of Security for a major Las Vegas casino, click on: Security Chief.
Front Sight will make an equally impressive impact on you too. I am sure of it. In fact, Front Sight will more than satisfy your expectations or I will pay for your training. You have my personal guarantee.
Watch for Message #3 from me in a couple of days where I will share with you The Biggest Secret in the Firearms Training Industry that will save you thousands upon thousands of dollars over your lifetime and improve your skills beyond belief.
Feel free to share this report with your family and friends. If your family and friends would like to receive their own reports, our brochure, and 90-minute award-winning DVD then please direct them to: Front Sight
I look forward to seeing you at Front Sight!
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Front Sight Founder and Director
Four-Weapons Combat Master
Your host of Front Sight Challenge Reality TV Series
P.S. If you would like to read how a drive-by shooting started me on the path of becoming the second man in the world to become a Four Weapons Combat Master and creator of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, click: Founder’s Message.
P.P.S. Please share this report with your family and friends. If your family and friends would like to receive their own reports, our 12-page brochure, and 90-minute award-winning DVD then please direct them to: Front Sight.
P.P.P.S. I’m always happy to hear from you, so please email me after you’ve read Gun Training Report #2, Gun Training Secret to confirm you are receiving the reports and tell me what you think about the reports so far. E-mail Dr. Piazza.
If you missed the link to watch the impact Front Sight training had on the Director of Security for a major Las Vegas casino, click now on: Security Chief.