Front Sight Patriot Exclusive Offers Group
Join Dr. Piazza as a Front Sight Patriot and He Will Give You $2,780 in Unbelievably Valuable Gifts to Show His Appreciation!
Can you see and feel the passion and commitment Dr. Ignatius Piazza displays as he addresses you from the Jefferson Monument?
Do you believe as Dr. Piazza does, that if every law abiding American citizen was trained in the safe and responsible use of defensive firearms to levels that exceed law enforcement and military standards, together we would positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes, restore the Second Amendment, and create a country forever protected against enemies foreign and domestic?
If you do, then Dr. Piazza wants you to raise your hand and subscribe to his Front Sight Patriots newsletter and he’s going to reward you with $2,780 in unbelievably valuable gifts for doing so!
Dr. Piazza is known as the Millionaire Patriot by his hundreds of thousands of Front Sight students because he has literally given away tens of millions of dollars in free and discounted training to those who support Front Sight’s purpose to positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes.
If you will step forward to be counted among Front Sight’s Patriots by subscribing to his amazing newsletter, then Dr. Piazza will immediately show his gratitude and welcome you as a fellow patriot by providing you with $2,780 in Front Sight Firearms Training!
This is NOT a misprint. You will receive $2,780 in Front Sight Firearms Training by simply subscribing to Dr. Piazza’s Front Sight Patriots newsletter.
Here is what do you get:
- The entire hard copy set of 7 Front Sight Training Manuals, retail value $280.
- These manuals provide the exact techniques taught in Front Sight’s Defensive Handgun, Tactical Shotgun, Practical Rifle, Submachine Gun, Select Fire M16, Empty Hand Defense, and Edged Weapons Courses!
- Each manual has hundreds of pages of the same training techniques, with photos, that are taught to the students who travel across the country and pay thousands of dollars for Front Sight’s training. By subscribing to Dr. Piazza’s Front Sight Patriots newsletter, you get the entire set of 7 hard copy manuals, (a $280 value) free of charge, mailed to your home, shipping included!
- You will have all the proper techniques to practice and be a firearms training resource for all your family and friends.
Yes, it’s true and it gets even better!
Dr. Piazza will also pay for you to attend Front Sight’s coveted Four Day Defensive Handgun course, a $2,000 value. That’s right!
This fast paced and exciting course is for law enforcement officers, military personnel and private citizens who want a complete understanding of the defensive handgun and a skill level that surpasses 95% of those who carry a gun for a living.
Regardless of your experience prior to entering this course, upon completion, your gun handling, marksmanship, and tactical skills will be better than they have ever been and you will be able to safely and easily draw your weapon from a CONCEALED holster and fire two,sighted shots to the center of a target 5 yards away — all under 1.5 seconds! That`s right, from a concealed holster in 1.5 seconds!
You will understand the principles of tactics and have multiple opportunities to use your acquired skills under the stress of simulated, lethal encounters. This course is a must for anyone who chooses to own or carry a handgun for self defense.
Yes, it’s true; Dr. Piazza isn’t called the Millionaire Patriot for nothing!
Upon subscribing to the Front Sight Patriot Newsletter, along with the entire set of 7 Front Sight Training Manuals, Dr. Piazza will immediately mail you a signed and sealed certificate that allows you to attend Front Sight’s famous Four Day Defensive Handgun Course, the same course students have paid $2,000 to attend, but you get to attend free of charge and you can attend it at any time in the future as it has no expiration date! This is not a hoax. Now you understand why Dr. Piazza is called the Millionaire Patriot!
He knows that after you have attended his Four Day Defensive Handgun Course, you will be a walking, talking, representative of safe, responsible and expert handgun training. YOU will have skills that surpass military and law enforcement standards and set the example in your community for all to follow. Dr. Piazza is willing to pay for your training so there is one more Front Sight Patriot in your home town, ready, willing and able to safely and responsibly protect himself, his family, his community and country. With every Front Sight patriot trained, we come that much closer to positively changing the image of gun ownership in our country and restoring the Second Amendment for generations to come. Dr. Piazza wants you to be a Front Sight Patriot and he is willing to pay to train you!
Yes, it’s true and it gets even better!
Once Front Sight has trained you to levels that exceed law enforcement and military standards, Dr. Piazza wants you carrying your pistol everywhere you go. Dr. Piazza knows, as all the statistics prove, that armed and trained citizens carrying concealed weapons REDUCES violent crime, makes our towns and cities safer and supports the efforts of law enforcement. When we arm and train our most responsible and law abiding citizens and they have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, it shifts the balance of power on the street — out of the hands of the criminal and — into the hands of the law abiding.
So if you will stand up to be counted, and subscribe to the Front Sight Patriot Newsletter, Dr. Piazza will provide you with Front Sight’s 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit Course, another $500 in value! Stop pinching yourself! This is REAL. The 30 State Concealed Weapon Permit Course is held of the day immediately following the Four Day Defensive Handgun Course so you get a full 5 DAYS OF TRAINING and everything you need to secure permits to carry a concealed weapon in over 30 states!
Believe it! Dr. Piazza puts his wallet behind it, and Front Sight is doing it!
Want proof? See what Alan Gottlieb, the founder of Second Amendment Foundation, has to say about Front Sight:

Want more proof? Here’s what Tim Schmidt, the Founder of the United States Concealed Carry Association, has to say about Front Sight:

Want more proof? Here’s what Michael Savage has to say about Front Sight:

Want more proof? Here’s what Sheriff Richard Mack has to say about Front Sight:

Want more proof?
Well here are three icons of the pro-gun movement that will tell you I speak the truth:

Aaron Zelman Founder & Director: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership |
Larry Pratt Executive Director Gun Owners of America |
Tanya Metaksa Former Executive Director NRA Institute for Legislative Action |
Can it get any better? Yes, it can!
Once you become a Front Sight Patriots Newsletter subscriber, Dr. Piazza will send you his absolute best content in the form of new, personally created, and timely e-mails, that focus on the proper mindset, and training of a responsible and law abiding patriot as well as highly educational and inspiring content related to Second Amendment issues, but even more impressive and valuable is the fact that ONCE PER MONTH Dr. Piazza will REWARD YOU with an absolutely unbelievable and astounding offer that rivals what he is offering you for simply signing up for his Front Sight Patriots Newsletter.
Yes, YOU CAN EXPECT EVERY MONTH to receive an equally ASTOUNDING offer that rivals your introductory offer of Free Set of 7 Front Sight Manuals, Four Day Defensive Handgun Course and a 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit Course for simply subscribing to Dr. Piazza’s Front Sight Patriots Newsletter.
This Is All True!
So what’s it cost to subscribe to Dr. Piazza’s Front Sight Patriots Newsletter so you can get $2,780 in the form of the entire set of 7 hard copy training manuals, the Four Day Defensive Handgun course and the 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit course for a total of 5 days or expertly delivered firearms training that will leave you with skills that surpass the levels found in law enforcement and the military?
Only $200. Let me spell it out so you know it is not a typo … only two hundred dollars!
How in the world can Dr. Piazza provide you with so much unbelievable value and follow up EVERY MONTH with equally unbelievable and amazingly valuable offers EXCLUSIVELY to you, if you become one of his Front Sight Patriot Newsletter subscribers?
Here’s how:
- He truly believes and has seen the result after training hundreds of thousands of students from all walks of life and from all over the country, that after Front Sight trains you, and you return home to represent safe, responsible and expert gun handling, marksmanship and tactical skills in your community, Front Sight is geometrically and positively changing the image of the American gun owner in the eyes of everyone you come in contact with. Dr. Piazza is willing to put his money where his mouth is to personally help make it all happen.
- Dr. Piazza knows after witnessing 16 years of Front Sight’s explosive growth that after you receive your 7 training manuals, are reading Dr. Piazza’s Front Sight Patriot newsletters, and attend your Four Day Defensive Handgun Course and the 30 State Concealed Weapon Permit Course, you are going to tell EVERYONE you know about Front Sight. You are going to become a walking, talking representative of Front Sight and your word of mouth advertising, through your excitement and satisfaction of everything you have received will return Dr. Piazza’s generosity to you, TEN FOLD to Front Sight in the form of referrals and growth, saving Front Sight millions of dollars in advertising and marketing costs in our efforts to positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes.
- Because Dr. Piazza has personally witnessed the lifelong relationships Front Sight creates with each and every subscriber and student, Front Sight does not need to make money on EVERY offer we provide. Front Sight can give you unbelievable value on the first transactions to prove it to you and equally great value on subsequent offers because your great word of mouth saves us millions in advertising throughout your lifetime while the friendly and respectful business you, your family and friends enjoy with Front Sight over a lifetime provides a reasonable return on Front Sight’s efforts.
So … IF you can see and feel the passion and commitment Dr. Ignatius Piazza displays as he addresses you from the Jefferson Monument, and you believe as Dr. Piazza does that if every law abiding American citizen was trained in the safe and responsible use of defensive firearms to levels that exceed law enforcement and military standards, together we would positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes, restore the Second Amendment, and create a country forever protected against enemies foreign and domestic, THEN Dr. Piazza wants you to raise your hand and subscribe to his Front Sight Patriots newsletter—and he will immediately reward you for doing so by giving you $2,780 in unbelievable value as described and explained above.
Subscribe to Dr. Piazza’s Front Sight Patriots Newsletter today and your entire set of 7 Front Sight Training Manuals, Four Day Defensive Handgun Course Certificate and 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit Course certificate will be mailed immediately.
Yes, Dr. Piazza, I’m raising my hand to be among those called Front Sight Patriots. I want to assist you in positively changing the image of gun ownership in or lifetimes by helping you spread Front Sight’s message to everyone I know.
I understand by doing so, I will receive $2,780 in the form of your entire set of 7 training manuals plus a Four Day Defensive Handgun Course Certificate plus the 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit Course for a total of five days of world class firearms training that I can attend at any time in the future or gift to anyone I choose.
I also understand that by subscribing to your Front Sight Patriots newsletter, I will receive your absolute best content in the form of new, personally created, and timely e-mails, that focus on the proper mindset, and training of a responsible and law abiding patriot as well as highly educational and inspiring content related to Second Amendment issues, but even more impressive and valuable is the fact that ONCE PER MONTH you will REWARD ME with an absolutely unbelievable and astounding offer that rivals what I am receiving now for simply signing up for your Front Sight Patriots Newsletter.
I understand the cost for subscribing to your Front Sight Patriot Newsletter is only $200 and I authorize you to charge my credit card for the initial subscription fee of $200 and I further authorize you to charge my credit card $50 annually unless I notify you to cancel my subscription.
I further understand that this amazing offer is limited at the introductory $200 subscription cost and may increase in price or be completely withdrawn without further notice.
Subscribe Now to Lock In Your $2,780 in Gifts for Subscribing at the $200 Subscription Cost.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Front Sight Founder and Director
Four-Weapons Combat Master
Your host of Front Sight Challenge Reality TV Series
P.S. If you have any questions about this offer, feel free to call me. I will take your call.
P.P.S. I hope you continue to see that I mean what I say and Front Sight wants to develop a life long relationship with our students by earning your trust and proving to you that we place your interests above our own personal gain. So much so, that starting with the e-mail I send you in a couple days, I am going to begin sharing information with you directly from our courses. Information — that if you adopt as your own — will save your life even if you never attend a course with us. So please enjoy these special reports as much as I enjoy sending them to you!