Armed Surge Needed in Chicago
Front Sight’s Millionaire Patriot Offers Chicago’s Mayor Daley Solution to Stop the Crime Wave
Last update: 8:09 a.m. EDT Sept. 9, 2008
LAS VEGAS, NV, Sep 09, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) — With CBS News reporting almost twice the number of Americans shot and killed in Chicago this summer compared to Americans killed in Iraq during the same time period, America’s Millionaire Patriot believes that Chicago Mayor Daley’s gun control policies have proven to be completely ineffective in stopping Chicago’s out of control violent crime wave.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza is referred to as the Millionaire Patriot by the hundreds of thousands of students who have attended Front Sight Firearms Training Institute courses because he has given away tens of millions of dollars in training so law-abiding Americans can enjoy what he refers to as the "Comfort of Skill at Arms."
Front Sight’s Millionaire Patriot, Dr. Ignatius Piazza, has offered to help Mayor Daley return the streets of Chicago to the law-abiding by offering to pay the $2,000 tuition of his Four Day Defensive Handgun Course for any responsible citizen of Chicago and its suburbs.
Says Piazza, "Tell Mayor Daley that help is on the way in the form of a Front Sight 'Surge' of armed and trained Chicago citizens. After a Four Day Defensive Handgun Course, a citizen of Chicago will have skills in the use of a defensive handgun that exceed the law enforcement standards of the Chicago Police Department. This is no exaggeration. Just ask the law enforcement officers who travel across the country on their own dime to attend our courses."
Piazza continues, "If Mayor Daley has any common sense left in him and can study the statistics of other large cities that have adopted shall issued concealed carry laws, he should immediately begin allowing his citizens who have graduated from Front Sight to carry a concealed weapon in their normal daily activities. It is time to shift the balance of power on the streets of Chicago back into the hands of the law-abiding. The Front Sight 'Surge' will do the trick and I will put my money where my mouth is by paying the Four-Day Defensive Handgun Course tuition for any responsible citizen of Chicago and its suburbs."
Chicago residents wanting more information can see Dr. Piazza’s Blog.
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