Millionaire Patriot Sets Aside 5,000 Guns As Gift For You … Armed and Trained Citizen Patriots Add Teeth to 2nd Amendment
Dear Second Amendment Supporter,
I have never sent you a letter like this before I doubt I will ever get an opportunity to send you a letter like this again.
In my entire career of defending your gun rights, I have seen some amazing things, but never anything like I am about to share with you.
You probably are not aware of it, but there is a man walking among us, who over the last 11 years has quietly built a true legacy for future generations of gun owners.
Without any formal advertising in the gun publications, using just the power of unsolicited word-of-mouth referrals, this man has created over 100,000 armed and trained citizens. Not just your average armed and trained citizens, he has created citizens who are trained to levels that exceed law enforcement and military standards. This is for real and the training is utterly amazing.
For those people who have been fortunate enough to find their way to him, he provides a comfortable, caring and compassionate training environment that is perfect for the entire family. His seasoned and professional instructors will train you to shoot faster and more accurately than a SWAT Cop or Navy SEAL, yet all the training is noticeably void of any boot camp mentality or drill instructors attitudes. His 550 acre training facility is, quite simply, world-class.
What makes him even more remarkable is the fact that he has literally given away TENS OF MILLIONS of DOLLARS in free training and incentives to encourage law-abiding citizens to secure the level of skill at arms that he knows places real teeth into our Second Amendment and makes our great country stronger.
He is a patriot in the truest sense of the word. His students call him the Millionaire Patriot
because he puts his millions where his mouth is and you are not going to believe what I have secured to pass on to you — one of my loyal Second Amendment Foundation Members.
You are not going to believe what I have arranged for you, but I'm telling you it is true and if you act fast, it can all be yours.
To grab all the free gifts I had the Millionaire Patriot set aside for you and to secure your own Four Day Defensive Handgun Course and One Day 30 State Concealed Carry Permit Course for pennies-on-the-dollar, PLUS a FREE Springfield Armory XD Pistol and assorted tactical gear, go to Front Sight/free-gun.php
Yes. It is true! There is a Free Springfield Armory XD Pistol waiting for you if you are among the first 5,000 citizen patriots to step up to secure your own five days of professional, defensive handgun training. World-class training that surpasses the law enforcement and military community, plus everything you need to carry a concealed handgun in over 30 states-all for pennies-on-the-dollar.
You need to act fast on this. The Millionaire Patriot committed to give away 5,000 Free Springfield Armory Pistols. I am trying to get him to commit to give even more guns away for my members but right now he set the limit in stone at 5,000 guns. First Come-First Served. You don't have time to hesitate. This e-mail is being read by over 660,000 of your fellow Second Amendment Foundation members so do not delay. Go to Front Sight/free-gun.php right now.
Take advantage of this amazing offer today. Get armed and trained to levels that exceed 99% of the gun owning population. The Millionaire Patriot and I want you to help us sharpen the teeth of the Second Amendment and make our great country stronger than ever.
You, your family and your country will be very glad you did.
Alan Gottlieb
Second Amendment Foundation
P.S. There are many things I could do to say thank you
for your support of the Second Amendment Foundation. However, I cannot think of a better way to say thanks
than arranging for the Millionaire Patriot to arm and train you. You deserve it. Go to Front Sight/free-gun.php today.