9-1-1 to the Rescue, How Protected Are You Really?
Jim McMahon
There was a time when calling 9-1-1 gave us the security that we would be protected from criminal danger in our homes. Many of us urban, suburban and rural citizens really believed that the police would come to our rescue and save us from the assault, rape or burglary in progress. According to recent statistics, this happens less than one time out of 100. While this belief may have been true 30 years ago when 9-1-1 began, it certainly has gotten much less likely to happen. Fact: Police intercept less than 1% of serious and violent crimes in the happening that are reported to 9-1-1. The other 99%? You guessed it; we are pretty much on our own.
Recent surveys have shown that Americans have come to the recognition that we are undefended in our homes and that does not bid well for making us feel safe. We are actually experiencing an epidemic of personal safety paranoia across America, and it is growing. The average father and mother are in a state of anxiety over the personal safety of their children, let alone themselves. The bursting of the 9-1-1 myth that we will be protected from harm by the police, has eroded the sense of personal safety in our homes and neighborhoods.
Virtually every man, woman and child in America knows what to do in case of emergency — dial 9-1-1.
Says the Honorable Deborah J. Daniels, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Justice Department.
For 30 years 9-1-1 dispatchers have provided a vital, life-saving link to those in trouble. And, in this time of national watchfulness the 9-1-1 system is more critical than ever before to save lives, protect property and make our communities safer.
It’s increasingly important that our nation’s 9-1-1 emergency system be available to respond to terrorist attacks on our homeland and other real emergencies. As you know all to well, however, our emergency communications systems are often overloaded with non-emergency calls. New technology, terrorism and other emerging issues continue to challenge our 9-1-1 emergency system.
An analysis done by U.S. News & World Report a few years ago showed that 50% to 90% of all calls made to 9-1-1 were not emergencies. This is a staggering statistic, which certainly has not gotten any better since. This is the crux of the 9-1-1 crisis.
To address this problem, the Justice Department’s Office of Community Policing Services, working with the Federal Communications Commission, has designated a new system to help alleviate the barrage of calls. 3-1-1 is being tested in various parts of the U.S. as the number for non-emergency calls. Other non-emergency 7-digit calling systems are being tested as well throughout the country.
It looks like the Feds are working to resolve this dilemma, but it’s not going to happen overnight. Which means that if you dial 9-1-1, you most likely will not see police help for at least 15 minutes. And by that time it’s too late in 99% of the cases according to recent statistics.
So, what do you do in the meantime, wait to get beaten by some thug? Wait for your daughters to get raped. Wait for your home to get burglarized? What can you do to ensure your home and family are safe from criminal harm?
Unfortunately, most Americans have not been educated on what to do to prevent crime and safeguard themselves and their families. It is not part of our high school or college education anywhere. Very little has been available to teach the practical skills necessary to keep one from becoming a victim.
9-1-1 only alerts the authorities that you need help.
Says Dr. Ignatius Piazza, Founder and Director of Front Sight Resorts. By the time the police arrive you will either be the victim or the victor. The winner or the loser. Alive and well, or cold and stiff. The reality is that Americans need to get trained in how to protect themselves and their families. 9-1-1 isn’t going to protect you or your loved ones. Front Sight training will.
Front Sight Resorts is the biggest and fastest growing personal safety and self defense school in the U.S. This trend toward personal safety is exploding, to state it mildly. And if Front Sight is any barometer of public opinion in this regard, the trend shows no signs of slowing down.
As 9-1-1 distances itself as a real option to protect us, the need for personal safety will increasingly nag us or forcefully remind us and we will seek out defensive training more and more. Front Sight and others providing similar courses will continue to give us the personal safety peace of mind that we once believed 9-1-1 may have been capable of giving us.
The number you need to call to keep yourself safe from attack and learn the self defense and personal safety techniques that could save your life is a little longer than 9-1-1. Call now and dramatically improve your chances of survival. Email or visit their web site.
Jim McMahon writes on personal safety and self-defense issues.