Front Sight Silver Membership


You are now looking at a level of training that I wish was available when I was traveling all over the country learning my firearms skills. Of course, there was NOTHING like Front Sight when I was a student, so I created Front Sight and the Silver Membership for people just like me — and hopefully you too …

There are those who want to be good at whatever they do and there are those who will settle for nothing short of greatness and then strive to be even better than that. If you are the latter, a Silver Membership is for you.

A Silver membership allows you to take ANY course that involves a firearm, free of charge, as often as you wish and as many times as you wish! From entry level to our most advanced firearms training, a Silver Membership gives you the highest levels of firearms training available in the world today at a fraction of the price you would pay anywhere else.

I know, because I trained all over the country and spent a whole lot more money than a Silver membership and didn’t get anywhere near the number of courses or training you can get from Front Sight with your Silver Membership!

This membership is not for the average Joe. If you live your life above and beyond the masses, the Silver Membership has your name on it — so grab it and use it!

The Front Sight Silver Membership Benefits:

I look forward to seeing you at Front Sight as a Silver Member and training you to levels of skill at arms you cannot imagine possible!!


Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Front Sight Founder and Director
Four-Weapons Combat Master
Your host of Front Sight Challenge Reality TV Series

Notice: All Front Sight Memberships offered in the past, the present, and future, including any special memberships not listed here, are NON REFUNDABLE.