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In order to secure your enrollment in the course(s) of your choice simply complete the form below. A Front Sight representative will call you for your credit card information. You must also print out the No Criminal Record and Character Witness Statements. These statements must be completed, signed and then mailed or faxed to Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.

To be considered for acceptance into Front Sight Firearms Training Institute courses, these applications and statements must be filled out completely. Front Sight reserves the right to deny training to anyone for any reason. In the event that an application is not accepted, the course fee will be promptly refunded in full.


Full Legal Name:
Date of Birth:
Drivers Lic. No.:
Current Address:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Email Address:

Please type in your name below as you wish it to appear on your course certificate:

Certificate Name:

T-Shirt Size M, L, XL, XXL

List most recent training courses, with dates of attendance:

Please give the Name, Address, and Phone # of a person to contact in the event of an emergency:

Emergency Contact:


Please indicate the course(s) you are applying for by selecting the appropriate course, Two Day or Four Day, and the corresponding course date(s). Then enter the total cost in the section provided below.

Course prices are as follows:

Handgun Course Selection:
Two Day Defensive Handgun Course Dates:
Four Day Defensive Handgun Course Dates:
Two Day Handgun Skill Builder Course Dates:
Advanced Tactical Handgun Course Dates:
Handgun Combat Master Prep course Dates:

Shotgun Course Selection:
Two Day Course Dates:
Four Day Course Dates:

Rifle Course Selection:
Two Day Course Dates:
Four Day Course Dates:

Total Course Cost:

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