Millionaire Patriot Wants You Armed and Trained

I Want YOU Armed and Trained!

I’ll Commit My Own Money So YOU Get a Free Handgun
Plus 5 Days of Training And a 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit for Pennies-on-the-Dollar!

My hundreds of thousands of students call me the Millionaire Patriot because for the last 14 years I have continually provided millions of dollars in amazing benefits to encourage every law-abiding citizen in America to secure the Comfort of Skill at Arms for the protection of themselves, their families, and their communities.

You see, I believe that we can positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes and protect our great country from all enemies — foreign and domestic — by training our law-abiding citizens to levels that far exceed law enforcement and military standards and we can do it without any boot camp mentality or drill instructor attitudes.

I believe this so much that I created Front Sight Firearms Training Institute for this sole purpose. I want YOU armed and trained, and I’ll back up my words with my wallet.

I believe it, I put my wallet behind it, and Front Sight is doing it!

Want proof? See what Alan Gottlieb, the founder of Second Amendment Foundation, has to say about Front Sight:

Second Amendment Foundation endorses Front Sight

Want more proof? Here’s what Tim Schmidt, the Founder of the United States Concealed Carry Association, has to say about Front Sight:

Second Amendment Foundation endorses Front Sight

Want more proof? Here’s what Michael Savage has to say about Front Sight:

Michael Savage endorses Front Sight

Want more proof? Here’s what Sheriff Richard Mack has to say about Front Sight:

Sheriff Richard Mack endorses Front Sight

Want more proof?

Well here are three icons of the pro-gun movement that will tell you I speak the truth:

Aaron Zelman
Founder & Director:
Jews for the Preservation of
Firearms Ownership
Larry Pratt
Executive Director
Gun Owners of America
Tanya Metaksa
Former Executive Director
NRA Institute for Legislative Action

Want still more proof?

Here’s just a sample of the tens of thousands of students Front Sight trains each year … watch and read what they have to say at Front Sight Student Testimonials.

Dr. Alan & Linda West Myers, Physician & Museum Director
Lt. Bob Redmond, Ret., S.W.A.T. Commander
Beatrice & John Harrold, Nurse & Police Inspector

Want even tougher proof?

There is nothing tougher than the news media and Front Sight has received the most positive news media coverage in the history of firearms ownership. See Front Sight In The News.

Front Sight Firearms Training in the News

I Want YOU Armed and Trained!

I’ll Commit My Own Money So YOU Get a Free Handgun Plus 5 Days of Training And a 30 State Concealed Weapons Permit for Pennies-on-the-Dollar!

This is Such a Fabulous, Never-Before-Offered By Anyone-In-the-Industry Opportunity (and likely never to be offered again) That I Must First Tell You WHY and HOW I Can Offer You So Much For So Little Otherwise You Simply Will Not Believe It!

Sit down when you read this and be prepared to act on it immediately because I am about to offer to you and the first 5,200 who respond the Absolute Greatest Front Sight Course Package Ever!

(5,200 responding seems like a big number, but not when Millions of People PER WEEK search gun training on the Internet and have the opportunity to subscribe to my Gun Training Reports, just like you did … so DON’T DELAY! In fact, over 5,136 people have already taken advantage of this amazing offer … If you are reading this page, you can still get in. If you leave the page you may never get this offer again!)

Let me explain the WHY and HOW of the offer first so you fully understand that this is real and if you act fast, it can be all yours …

Here’s WHY I am offering this:

If you have ever attended any of my Business Building Seminars Or Special Events you know that one of the many ways I have doubled Front Sight every year for the last 14 years (and on track to double again in the next 12 months) is that I believe in making it very easy (unbelievably easy) for you to attend your first course at Front Sight.

You see I know (and my 11 year track record of astounding growth proves it) that once you attend a course at Front Sight and experience for yourself the quality of our world-class instructional staff; the supportive and caring manner in which you are treated by everyone you come in contact with; our unique curriculum that in four days will dramatically improve your skills to levels that far exceed law enforcement and military standards; and our top-of-the-line firearms training facilities, you will want to come back time and time again … and each time you return, you will bring family and friends so they too can enjoy the Front Sight Experience!

Here’s HOW I can offer this:

Because I know without a doubt that after your first course you will want to return to Front Sight, bring your family and friends, and even become one of our Lifetime Members, I can offer you an absolutely amazing opportunity for your first course that is so one sided and loaded with unbelievable bonuses that you just can’t refuse it.

I can use my own money to help you get to your first course. And I don’t even have to make money on you the second time around, because you will be back a third … fourth … fifth time … or become a lifetime member.

Most importantly you will spread great word-of-mouth advertising for us and refer all your family and friends to Front Sight so we can positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetime even faster!

So now that I have explained in advance why I am offering this and how I can offer it, get ready to respond after you read it because this offer is so unbelievably great I can only provide it to the first 5,200 People who respond.

Here’s what you get:

Now Stop Pinching Yourself. This is Not a Dream.

You get everything you need for your first course!

You get the Four Day Defensive Handgun Course ($2,000 Value), the 30 State CCW course ($500 Value), All 7 Dry Practice Manuals($280 Value), Limited Edition Stainless Steel Folding Knife with Front Sight Logo Etched in it ($300 Value), Front Sight Armorer’s Bench Mat ($40 Value), Front Sight Any Gun Will Do — If You Will Do! Shirt ($30 Value), Front Sight logo hat ($20 Value), Front Sight Instructor Belt, Holster, Mag Pouch, Flashlight Pouch, and Flashlight ($230 Value) …

It is all included … the gear, knife, logo merchandise, dry practice manuals, even a gun cleaning mat … plus everything you need to secure permits to carry concealed in 30 States!

That’s $3,400 in Real Value!

So What is it Going to Cost You?

Only $1,499.

This is over a 2:1 Exchange in Your Favor!

THAT is Exchange in Abundance and our Greatest First Course Offer Ever!

Do you now see why I told you the reasons
WHY and HOW I could offer you such an amazing
Exchange in Abundance before laying it all out to you?


Here’s YOUR Free Handgun …

Handgun Case

If you show me you are aligned with my efforts to positively change the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes by subscribing to my Free Gun Training Reports, ordering my Free Front Sight DVD, and taking advantage of my Greatest Course Offer Ever, then I will give you a FREE Handgun!

That’s Right!

Your Choice of a brand new, in-the-box, Springfield XD Pistol in 9mm, or .40SW or .45 ACP

This is another $600 in value absolutely FREE!

This makes the entire package over a 3:1 Exchange in Your Favor!

THAT is even greater Exchange in Abundance and our Greatest First Course Package Ever!

Quit asking yourself how in the world I am able to do this?

I explained it already at the top of this letter.


Remember? I can use my own money to get you to attend your first course because I know you will be coming back again and again, will likely buy a Lifetime Membership from us and will tell so many of your friends and family about Front Sight you will be one of our best referral sources!

Also remember I told you to sit down when you read this and be prepared to act on it immediately because I am accepting the First 5,200 People who respond from the Millions of People who search gun training topics on the Internet each week.

Right now, they are all reading this same webpage and over 5,136 people have already responded so complete the Rapid Response Secure Online Enrollment Form below immediately or call my assistant Jon between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm PST Monday through Friday to enroll over the phone.

Greatest Course Offer … Ever
Secure Rapid Enrollment Form

Yes Dr. Piazza! Sign me up for your Greatest Course Offer … Ever! I understand for a single payment of $1,499. I will receive the following Courses, Knife, Gun, Gear and Bonuses valued at $4,000:

Four Day Defensive Handgun Course ($2,000 Value), the 30 State CCW course ($500 Value), All 7 Dry Practice Manuals($280 Value), Limited Edition Stainless Steel Folding Knife with Front Sight Logo Etched in it ($300 Value), Front Sight Armorer’s Bench Mat ($40 Value), Front Sight Any Gun Will Do — If You Will Do! Shirt ($30 Value), Front Sight logo hat ($20 Value), Front Sight Instructor Belt, Holster, Mag Pouch, Flashlight Pouch, and Flashlight ($230 Value) Plus Your Choice of brand new in-the-box, Springfield XD Handgun in 9mm, .40SW, or .45ACP($600 Value)

Enroll Today For Our
Greatest Course Offer Ever!
Grab YOUR Course, Gun and Gear!

Here is How it Works:

Once you complete your Rapid Response Secure Online Enrollment Form or fax or call to enroll, we will send your Four Day Defensive Handgun Course Certificate, Plus 30 State CCW Certificate so you can attend a course immediately or at any time in the future. When you attend your course, your new gun, gear, and bonuses will be waiting for you in our Pro Shop.

After your course, you can then make arrangements to have your new gun shipped to your local Federal Firearms License Dealer to transfer into your name.

If you would like to receive your gun, gear and bonuses before attending your first course with us, then you simply have your FFL Dealer mail our pro shop a signed copy of his FFL License and make arrangements with the Pro Shop to ship the gun, gear, and bonuses to your gun dealer for transfer into your name. Very simple and straight forward!

So for fastest response, complete the Secure Rapid Response Online Enrollment Form to the left …

Or print out the Rapid Response Enrollment Form and fax it to 707.837.0694 immediately to be among the first who respond. Your fax will come right to my desk and be accepted in the order it was received …

Or call my assistant Jon between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm PST Monday through Friday to enroll over the phone.

Remember this never-before-offered Exchange in Abundance Greatest First Course Package is limited to the First 5,200 People to respond! So Enroll on this page, Fax or Call in your Rapid Enrollment Form. Don’t hesitate on this one!

I look forward to seeing you in your first course with a new gun, new knife, all the right gear, and decked out in your Front Sight shirt and hat!

Click Here for the Printable Version of the Enrollment Form

After thoroughly reading this offer, if you have any questions read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions about this amazing offer.

For any additional questions about Front Sight go to Front Sight Experience A to Z for answers to most, if not all, questions ever asked about Front Sight.


Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Front Sight Founder and Director
Four-Weapons Combat Master
Your host of Front Sight Challenge Reality TV Series

P.S. If you have any questions about this offer, feel free to call me. I will take your call.

P.P.S. I hope you continue to see that I mean what I say and Front Sight wants to develop a life long relationship with our students by earning your trust and proving to you that we place your interests above our own personal gain. So much so, that starting with the e-mail I send you in a couple days, I am going to begin sharing information with you directly from our courses. Information — that if you adopt as your own — will save your life even if you never attend a course with us. So please enjoy these special reports as much as I enjoy sending them to you!